The Rama Health Centre is dedicated to providing holistic health services for all
community members through the provision of quality health care programs and services.
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Telephone: 705-325-3611
ask to be transferred to the Health Centre.
- Departmental Services
- Community Health Nursing
- Home and Community Care Programs
- Community Health Rep – Environmental Programs, Health Promotion
- Medical Transportation Program
- Diabetes Education
- School Programs and Health Education
- Ongoing monitoring of clients with chronic diseases
- Home visiting program
- Health Education and Health Promotion Programs
- Seniors Recreation Program
- 10 bed Extended Care Unit
- 18 Senior Apartments
Visiting Professionals:
- Chiropody clinics twice weekly
- Family Physician twice weekly
- Naturopath monthly
- Dietitian services 3 times per month
Healthy Babies
A comprehensive program from prenatal education, through to healthy newborn/healthy child.
Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program
A voucher & education program for prenatal and breastfeeding moms.
Immunization and Communicable Disease Program
Routine immunization for children and adults. Flu clinics in the fall.
Follow up of reportable communicable diseases.
School Health Program
Includes immunization, vision and hearing screening, education and prevention programs and individual consultation.
Diabetes Program
One on one counseling with nurses and dietitian, diabetes screening, education classes and active living programs.
Foot Care
Registered Chiropodist provides foot care clinics and home visits.
Nutritional Counseling
A registered Dietitian provides one on one counseling and educational classes and programs.
Naturopathic Clinics
One on one counseling with a registered Naturopath. Use of traditional Medicine.
Home & Community Care Program
Wellness visits, health teaching and monitoring.
Medications assistance, referrals to health care professionals.
Employs 5 PSW’s to support individual community members.
Community Education
Various programs around such topics as healthy lifestyle choices, prenatal, diabetes, HIV, cancer, smoking cessation.
Environmental Programs
Homeowners H20 and beach sample testing.
Independent Living Support Worker Program
Assists vulnerable clients with life skills to enable them to live in the community.
Director of Health and Social Services
Is responsible for the Health and Social Services, EMS staff, programs and all aspects of the Senior Complex, and 18 apartments and the ECU. Develops and monitors budgets, program policies and procedures. Liaises with Chief, Council and outside agencies.
Community Health Nurse
Focuses on health education and promotion, healthy babies, prenatal, lead role in diabetes education, immunization, school programs, and communicable disease control.
Community Health Representative
Oversees the Senior Complex and Senior Recreation Activities; HIV/AIDS and gambling programming; monitors water testing in homes and beaches, community health education programs.
Independent Living Support Worker
Assists vulnerable clients in daily living; counseling and liaises with outside agencies for clients and advocacy.
Administrative Assistant to Director of Health
Works closely with the Health Director providing administrative support services.
Administrative Assistant
Works closely with our family physician booking appointments and referrals for our patients and maintaining all medical files.
Medical Transportation Supervisor
Coordinates medical transportation and home support with 2 main drivers and 3 on-calls. Completes all prior approvals, bookings for visiting professional; chiropody, dietitian and naturopath. Responsible for the coordination of the Home Support program drivers.
Home & Community Care Coordinator/ ECU Supervisor
Completes assessments and determines level of care needed in the community; develops care plans and works closely with Personal Support.
Director of Health and Social Services, Leanne McRae Douglas
Phone: (705) 325-3611, ext. 1608, ext 1601
[email protected]
Wewena Minodoodawin Health and Social Services
Mnoyaawgamig Building
6036 Rama Road, 2nd floor
Rama, Ontario
L3V 6H6