Chippewas of Rama Political Structures
Rama First Nation Chief and Council, like all First Nation communities, retain the sole right and responsibility to act on behalf of their membership. While authority is not ceded to any other governance organization, the organizations shown represent First Nation interests as a collective at various levels of government.
Assembly of First Nations
Chiefs of Ontario
The mainstay activities of the Chiefs of Ontario (COO) is governed by the Political Confederacy. COO’s stated purpose is to enable the four political territory organizations and Independent First Nations to discuss and decide on regional, provincial, federal and national priorities affecting First Nations and to provide a unified voice on these issues. The main objective set out by COO is to facilitate the discussion, planning, implementation and evaluation of all local, regional, provincial, federal and national matters affecting First Nations in Ontario.
Anishinabek Nation (formerly Union of Ontario Indians)
Ogemawahj Tribal Council
At a regional level, Rama is one of six member communities in the Ogemawahj Tribal Council (OTC). Rama works with the highly skilled staff at the OTC to apply their expertise to the development, financing and management of specific projects. The OTC works with First Nation staff in the planning and delivery of community-based initiatives.